Owner's of America's Flagship File Motion Detailing Landlord's Efforts to Block Relocation of SS United States, Take Possession of the Historic Vessel for Its Own Financial Benefit

 Pier Operator Penn Warehousing & Distribution, Attempted to Extort $3 Million from Conservancy and Thwart Compliance with Court Order


(PHILADELPHIA, PA) – The national nonprofit organization that owns the historic SS United States filed an urgent motion in the U.S. District Court for Eastern Pennsylvania containing new evidence that the iconic vessel’s landlord, Penn Warehousing & Distribution engaged in a range of misconduct to block the Conservancy’s effort to comply with a court order regarding relocating the SS United States from her current pier and advanced a scheme to seize America’s Flagship for its own financial benefit. 

The SS United States Conservancy, just hours before a court imposed deadline for the removal of the ship from Pier 82 in Philadelphia, stated in court papers that Penn Warehousing demanded $3 million from the Conservancy and from a potential purchaser of the ship, Florida’s Okaloosa County. The Conservancy alleges that Penn Warehousing blocked a contract for the sale of the SS United States and attempted to negotiate its own sale of the vessel, even though they didn’t own it. 

In conjunction with the motion’s filing in U.S. District Court, the Conservancy released the following statements: 

“We’ve been dealing with the impacts of Penn Warehousing’s underhanded tactics for some time, but the revelation that they attempted to negotiate the sale of the ship without our knowledge or authorization is upsetting. It is more proof that Penn Warehousing has engaged in a deliberate pattern of behavior intended to force the Conservancy’s default, and seize the SS United States, so that they can sell the historic ship for their own financial gain. 

“At trial, Penn Warehousing admitted to doubling the ship’s rent in a deliberate attempt to force the vessel off her pier. Now it appears they’ve been attempting to circumvent the court’s most recent order by using a range of tactics to prevent the Conservancy from making any alternative arrangements with willing partners and seize the ship. 

“This behavior has included making unfounded claims of pier damage allegedly caused by the historic vessel, attempting to take punitive financial measures against the Conservancy, and scuttling a purchase and sale agreement that would have fulfilled the Court’s order. 

“We have laid out our case in court filings, and we hope that justice will prevail.”

Conservancy President Susan Gibbs, granddaughter of the ship’s designer, William Francis Gibbs stated: 

“After decades of paying our pier rent in full and on time, pier operator Penn Warehousing has brought us to the brink of losing the SS United States, an inspiring expression of her namesake nation’s strength, unity, and pride.  Last month, the SS United States Conservancy committed in court to securing a firm contract to move the ship from her pier by the September 12 deadline. However, to our shock and surprise, Penn Warehousing blocked our plans. Since acquiring the SS United States over a decade ago, the Conservancy has worked tirelessly and against long odds to find a new home for America’s Flagship and to preserve and celebrate her extraordinary legacy. As we navigate this latest challenge and try to resolve the current impasse, we remain profoundly grateful to the SS United States’ supporters from across the nation and around the world.”

CLICK HERE to view a copy of the Rule 60(b) Motion filed by the SS United States Conservancy.

CLICK HERE to view a copy of the Declaration by Susan Gibbs.

CLICK HERE to view a copy of the Affidavit of Craig Coffey. 



About the SS United States Conservancy

A national nonprofit organization, the SS United States Conservancy leads the global effort to save and repurpose America’s Flagship, the SS United States. The Conservancy raises public awareness and financial resources for the maintenance and preservation of the iconic vessel and her legacy. Through its curatorial collections and educational programs, the Conservancy works to ensure that the fastest ocean liner ever to cross the Atlantic Ocean remains an inspiration for generations to come. For more information about the SS United States Conservancy and America's Flagship, visit ssusc.org or the Conservancy's Facebook page.