In Loving Memory of Jim & Frieda Green — SS United States Conservancy

In Loving Memory of Jim & Frieda Green

We were heartbroken to learn of the recent passing of Jim Green. Jim was a former crew member of the SS United States, who served as a purser on her record-breaking maiden voyage. He was also a dear friend of the Conservancy.

Longtime supporters may recall Jim and his late wife Frieda from the 2008 documentary, SS United States: Lady in Waiting. In one of the film's most moving scenes, Jim and Frieda recall meeting and falling in love aboard the Big U. Jim and Frieda's love story continued for 60 years until Frieda passed away in 2016.

Mark Perry, who produced Lady in Waiting and serves on the Conservancy’s Board of Directors, shared his memories of Jim and Frieda in a heartfelt Facebook post — the text of which follows below.

“I’ve received the very sad news that former SS United States crew member and good friend Jim Green passed away Friday night. I met Jim in 2002 aboard the Queen Mary during a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Big U’s maiden voyage. A purser on those record-breaking first crossings, Jim was fond of telling the story that on their second day at sea, July 4th, 1952, the SS United States passed the SS America and the two ships exchanged salutes. Little did he know at the time, but a lovely young woman named Frieda Kerstgens was aboard the other liner, returning to New York with her parents. Five years later, Frieda was a passenger aboard the Big U, and she and Jim had a “meet cute” right out of a classic Hollywood film—a story they related with such charm in our 2008 documentary, SS United States: Lady in Waiting. Soon after they met, the couple married and Jim happily traded his life at sea for one on land. Jim and Frieda were two of the kindest, funniest people I’ve ever had the privilege to know, both with an ever-present twinkle in their eyes, and Jim always on the ready with a bad pun or groan-inducing joke. And even though you knew she’d heard them a million times, Frieda always laughed. When I relayed the news to Joe Rota, another dear friend, former crew member, and fellow Conservancy board member, he replied, “Jim was a good man, worked well with his shipmates, always a pleasure to be in his company. He was a good friend to have and I’m proud that he considered me his friend. Continued smooth sailings, Jim!” Conservancy president Susan Gibbs said, “His spirit will continue to animate our efforts to save his beloved ship.” Our hearts go out to the Greens: John, Heidi, Christopher and their families. I like to think dear Frieda, who left us in 2016, has been saving her beloved husband a deck chair.” —Mark Perry

The SS United States Conservancy is committed to creating a world-class museum and visitor center aboard the redeveloped Big U. Learn more about our plans here.