Opening Night of the "Finding Home" Exhibition — SS United States Conservancy

Opening Night of the "Finding Home" Exhibition

Part of the mission of the SS United States Conservancy is to spread awareness of America's Flagship through participation in cultural and historical events. To that end, we are thrilled to have participated in a current exhibition at the Norman Rockwell Museum.

As we recently reportedFinding Home: Four Artists Journeys celebrates the work of four immigrant artist, including David Macaulay — who, as a boy, traveled to his new home in the United States aboard the Big U.

Macaulay's work is featured in the exhibition, alongside items from our permanent curatorial collection. The most exciting of these items on loan from the Conservancy is an 11-foot-long model of the SS United States. The huge replica never before placed on public display, weighs in at more than 300 pounds. It was a gift to the Conservancy from the family of Douglas F. Bushnell.

The Conservancy was delighted to be in attendance for opening night of this glowing exhibition, which runs at the Norman Rockwell Museum through May 2020. Below, find a selection of photographs taken during the opening night festivities.
